My Projects

Project I develop at the ENSEEIHT,IRIT,CS-GROUP
Stone path

Hello! Today I release my first project of HTML/CSS/JavaScript to select a random squads in the famous Game Apex Legends.

Stone path

In this project realized at the enseeiht, it was necessary to generate paths on 2D and 3D environments. Find a demo on this page -> > To elevate the terrain type:
elevation(data_tab) in console (on firefox ctrl+alt+i to acces console)

Ellipse detection

Project carried out in the framework of IRIT to detect flamingos in an image with ellipses. Theory

3D Single View Reconstruction

Project carried out at ENSEEIHT on single-view 3D reconstruction from Shape-from-texton and Shape-from-shading. Presentation

Detection Network

In this project, we have developed a semi-supervised network to detect bounding boxes in an image. A version is supervised and then semi-supervised.  Presentation


In this ENSEEIHT project, a team of 4 created a deepLearning network (with transferLearning on VGG16) to classify mushroom species from an image. The network predicts the probability of each class in the image Rapport


CraftSurvive is a survival game (in JAVA) in which a character evolves through different territories. The objective is to stay alive despite confrontations against randomly generated enemies. He will have an inventory of weapons and armour to fight the enemies. He will also be able to level up in order to have attributes (health and damage). The enemies will have different levels of
power. The user will be able to save and exit the game at any time and
at any time and resume at a later time. UML


Project carried out at ENSEEIHT: Development of a simplified command interpreter, offering the basic functionality of Unix shells, such as bash...  Rapport


Within the TIPE, I tried to rebuild the entire system of an automatic shoes. First I focus on the control of the lacing of the shoes, the sensors and the connectivity trough Bluetooth or manual buttons. Then, I looked for an Arduino microcontroller that I have programmed to coordinate them all Rapport

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