Hi, I'm Jean-Léo Dary and I'm a Engineer

I learn quickly and I adapt efficiently. My main interests are digital sciences, artificial intelligence and 3D modeling. 

What can i do?

I am passionate about the field of image and multimedia and I have several skills in this field but also in many informatic subject


During my studies at enseeiht I was able to learn to code DeepLearning programs. I know how to use tensorflow, keras and pyTorch. I was able to develop a neural network able to recognize mushrooms. I am also coding a project with a group of 4 people to teach an AI to detect objects in an unsupervised way.  Clik here to see code on Git

3D Modelling

During an internship, I learn to develop synthetic 3D dataset for train IA. I use blender and procedural generation to do this !

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